Kane County Schools and Transgenderism
By: Martin James
Date: October 12, 2023
A parent of a female freshman student at Saint Charles North High School has recently reported that a male teenage student at Saint Charles North High School, who now goes by the name of “Riley”, has decided that he should be entitled to violate the rights and privacy of the female teenage students at the school.
This young man needs serious psychological counseling, but instead is being coddled by the school administrators and teachers – he is being allowed to use the girls’ locker room to change for gym class, and to use the girls’ bathrooms. When some of the girls complained about it, they were told that they would have to use different changing and bathrooms. So the “rights” of one confused young man are being allowed to take precedence over the rights of all of the young girls.
What’s next for “Riley”? Will he be competing on the girls’ sports teams? Will he be a candidate for Homecoming Queen? What is going on in Kane County?? What is going on in our Country?? Democrats and Main Street Media always talk about our “Democracy being threatened”!! Last time I looked up the definition of “democracy” it meant ‘rule by the MAJORITY”. But apparently, according to the Democrat Party, it now means “rule by a small MINORITY of confused and delusional people”!
So what can you do, as a legal voting resident of Kane County, whose tax dollars go to support these totally inappropriate policies and practices? You can start by attending school and county board meetings on a regular basis. Let our elected representatives know that they need to come back to reality and reinstitute appropriate educational policies and procedures. Next you can make sure to vote for candidates that understand what has been happening in our schools, and are committed to restoring decency, morality and fairness into our political and educational systems.
Let’s all work together to restore the fair and just principles that our Country, and our beloved Kane County, were founded on!