IL Voter Rolls need major cleanup!

                    Notes from Luau Coffee meeting March 12, 2024

ILLINOIS VOTER REGISTRATION ROLL, 2022 mid-term election The IL team led by Ken and Jodie Zitko committed over 4k hours to examine millions of ballots in IL and shared the findings:

Illegible/uncertain registration type                           INSTANCES

*Illegal duplicate registration…                                      483,566

*Voted before registered…                                              2,843,869

*Inactive registration/never active…                                    11,931

*Questionable inactive status…                                            8,287

*Voted while inactive…                                                               763

*Back dated registration…                                                     47687

*Modifications of registration…                                               4346

*Invalid or illogical registration date…                                230,124

*Age discrepant (no age, under 17, older 115)…                  21,099

*Registration with questionable address…                        219,946

*Deleted registration (cast ballot, deleted after) 161,200

All in, over 4 million violations in the 2022 election in Illinois. Specifically, 589,000 votes in the IL midterm are illegal or invalidated and require investigation.


The litigation plan is to take the violations to court seeking criminal charges against those who certify elections versus standards set by National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).


The national team of United Sovereign Americans is intent on conducting analytical studies of voting records in fifteen to twenty states, with a goal of presenting findings to state officials and filing suits based on state conduct. The targets of the suit are those persons who certify election results, seeking criminal penalties under the (NVRA).


A suit has been filed in NY state. A second suit is under consideration in AZ. A suit may be filed in IL pending further review.


All voting rights under NVRA are civil rights, governed by same, so state level suits can go directly to the Supreme Court on appeal.


Website for resource: U4F – United Sovereign Americans (

Articles of interest:

Was Illinois’ 2022 general election valid? – American Thinker